New location for ADLER Česko and ADLER Slovensko

After 15 successful years, ADLER Lacke’s Czech subsidiary outgrew its previous location. Therefore, a new, modernly equipped base was established on the outskirts of Brno in the Czech Republic.

Jan Bauchner, Andrea Berghofer and Bernd Pichler (from right) at the opening of the new base of Adler Coatings.
Jan Bauchner, Andrea Berghofer and Bernd Pichler (from right) at the opening of the new base. Photo: Adler

The new location in Brno will be used by the teams of ADLER Česko and ADLER Slovensko as a joint base and central warehouse for the Czech and Slovak markets. The new ADLER headquarters was recently inaugurated with an open day and a festive gala evening.

The new base in Troubsko, a suburb of Brno, offers the best conditions for providing customers with optimal support: In the large warehouse, numerous standard products from ADLER’s range are ready to hand and can be quickly delivered to customers throughout the Czech and Slovak regions. Special colours are prepared in the colour department and can be tinted immediately, and modern painting facilities are available for creating sample surfaces. And the new ADLER headquarters also offers sufficient space for the popular customer training courses and seminars.

Close locations in Czech republic and Slovakia

But not only ADLER customers, but also the employees have reason to be happy: they have already settled in perfectly at their new workplaces and are looking forward to even closer cooperation in the future, because in addition to the ADLER Česko team, the employees of ADLER Slovensko are also frequently found at the new base – after all, it is not too far from Brno to Prievidza in Slovakia, where ADLER Slovensko continues to operate its own base.

At the open day in June, when the new base for the two countries was inaugurated, the numerous visitors were able to see for themselves. During a tour of the building, ADLER employees were on hand in all rooms to answer the visitors‘ numerous questions. Robert Vrátníček, for example, gave an insight into the work of a colourist from the production of a colour print to the digital final inspection of the colour shade. In the lacquering booth, sample surfaces made of beech and ash wood were first stained with Arova Flex and then topcoated with Bluefin Unistar water-based lacquer. Marketing Manager Christian Laucher, who had travelled from Schwaz, presented the diverse selection of sample boxes and colour cards with which ADLER supports its customers, and Managing Director Andrea Berghofer herself told of the history of the ADLER family business, which she now manages in the third generation.

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