Eisenmann ATLAS


Klimafreundliche Lösungen in der Oberflächentechnik

Eisenmann bietet maßgeschneiderte Lösungen für die Lackiererei und sichert mit zuverlässigem Service den Werterhalt Ihrer Lackieranlage. Alle Konzepte und Lösungen von Eisenmann folgen dem fest verankerten Nachhaltigkeitskonzept ATLAS. Mit unserer Leitidee „Advanced Technology for Low-emission Applications and Sustainability“ gelingt es uns, die Energie- und Ressourcenbilanz unserer Technologien kontinuierlich zu optimieren. MEHR ERFAHREN…


Fast and reliable coating thickness measurement

The Fraunhofer Institute for Industrial Mathematics ITWM will present a technology at PaintExpo that can measure all layers of a freshly coated surface at once.

coating thickness measurement
The new measurement technology allows the synchronous measurement of all layers of a freshly coated automobile. Photo: Fraunhofer ITWM

If a car rolls off the assembly line, it has experianced a dive and several coating applications – usually three to five. To guarantee a uniform appearance, the layer thickness measurement is done after each application, layer by layer.

The new system developed by ITWM is located at the end of the coating line and measures all layers at the same time – a major step forward, as only a single measuring device is needed and all layers are measured at exactly the same position.

Film thickness meaurment directly after dryer

The measuring cell with the terahertz sensor is located directly behind the topcoat dryer and detects measuring points distributed all over the entire body. The positioning of the sensor and the measurement takes only a few seconds. The complete car is captured in just a few minutes, which speeds up the quality inspection enormously.

Coating thickness measurement can also be carried out on coated plastic components such as bumpers. The thickness of the coating affects the performance of the radar modules installed behind the plastic components. This means that radar performance can be checked – an indispensable safety aspect for autonomous driving. 

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