New high temperature anticorrosion slip coating
EcoShield VpCI-386 HT Slip Coating is a high-heat-resistant water-based DTM (direct-to-metal) coating that offers improved surface slip, excellent outdoor weathering, and thermal heat protection. It significantly retards the reaction of metal ionization and repels water, thus protecting against corrosive electrolytes and aggressive environments. This thixotropic coating resists sagging and running and is thermally stable when dried in ambient temperatures up to approximately 260 °C, depending on colour choice (Clear, Black, or Aluminium).
The new slip coating offers extended protection in sheltered, unsheltered, indoor, or outdoor conditions and is UV resistant to resist cracking or chipping from prolonged exposure to sunlight.
Why Corrosion Protection for Electrical Conduits?
Corrosion protection is more critical in some environments than others. For example, electrical conduits are more vulnerable to corrosion when stored outdoors than indoors, or when installed in a tropical, humid climate instead of a hot, dry one. Corrosion protection may be necessary in several phases of the piping life cycle.
- Outdoor Storage: Manufacturers are often short on storage space, which can cause storage to overflow outdoors. If it rains and the internal coating has not fully cured, the inside of the conduits may flash rust.
- Overseas Shipping and Storage: Manufacturers sometimes have to ship pipes and tubing overseas, where they may even be stored for six months longer before the customer is able to install them.
- Harsh Installation Environments: Industrial facilities must install electrical conduits in a variety of conditions, from dry indoor office spaces to corrosive offshore environments.
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