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Surface texture for powder coatings digitized

Recently Akzo Nobel has entered new territory with the help of pioneering technology developed by BYK-Gardner.

BYK-Gardner GmbH

The technology can digitally measure and control the textured surfaces of powder coatings. Launched in April 2020, the “spectro2profiler” represents a major step forward for the industry. Up to that point, the only way to check the quality of a textured powder coating surface was to carried out with a visual inspection. The new tool – which can measure color and gloss, as well as analyzing the 3D topography of the surface texture – can be a game-changer.
“We’re excited to have achieved an innovation milestone,” explains Pim Koeckhoven, Technology Director for Color at AkzoNobel. “Being able to objectively evaluate the structural quality of a powder coating – in a consistent, precise and standardized way – using a dedicated digital tool will be a huge step forward.”

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