Eisenmann ATLAS


Klimafreundliche Lösungen in der Oberflächentechnik

Eisenmann bietet maßgeschneiderte Lösungen für die Lackiererei und sichert mit zuverlässigem Service den Werterhalt Ihrer Lackieranlage. Alle Konzepte und Lösungen von Eisenmann folgen dem fest verankerten Nachhaltigkeitskonzept ATLAS. Mit unserer Leitidee „Advanced Technology for Low-emission Applications and Sustainability“ gelingt es uns, die Energie- und Ressourcenbilanz unserer Technologien kontinuierlich zu optimieren. MEHR ERFAHREN…


Powder coating facility for furniture

As part of the investment of more than a milion Euro and the included expansion program, Deanestor has installed a new dedicated metal powder coating facility for specialist laboratory furniture at the production centre in Mansfield, UK.

Deanestor installed a new powder coating facility. Image: Deanestor

According to the company`s statement this is a unique in-house service for a contract furniture manufacturer which is currently used for the work on a major laboratory project worth nearly seven million Euro for a leading global pharmaceutical company.

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